Season 3, Episode 8: They’re Singing ‘Deck the Halls’
Jake Phillips
Jake Phillips is a former Army officer who found his way into voice acting by accident, but now works at it full time from his home studio in Mississippi where he lives with his wife and four kids. He enjoys family time, history, classic literature, pottery, good coffee and good conversation.
If you like classic literature audiobooks, check out Jake’s YouTube channel at:
Gingerbread People
Opening - Turn Your Radio On
Burlap and Ashes
Holmes for the Holiday
Featuring Jake Phillips
Church Candy
The Adventures of Veronica & Bevins - The Hallmark Christmas Movie
Knock on the Door - The Elves
The Wise Man
Oh Holy Night
Performed by Josh Bissell
Cast - Jamie Cloutier and Daniel Cross
with special guest - Jake Phillips
Host - Jacob Johnston
Writers - Jay Corton, Austin Peachey, Allison Johnston
Additional Music -
"Scott Buckley - Frankincense And Myrrh" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license:
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